• Do colors exist?
    What exactly is a color? In an ideal world, all colors would be true. That is, nothing more would be true than this. It is almost hard to imagine the number of problems this can cause.

    However, no color exists, and we can construct fake color schemes, or color mixing schemes, to resolve the situation. The real problem with color is that the electromagnetic spectrum is deeply involved, involving colors of wavelengths that cannot be perceived.

    Each wavelength of light falls off as it travels through a material. If you take a fiberglass prism, it becomes smaller as it moves towards the blue end of the spectrum. This is because each wavelength has less color in it as it moves to the far red end.
  • Telomeres might be the key, so why doesn't society as a whole focus on immortality?
    While the benefits of high-tech cures for rare diseases are often met with a shrug by most people, the kind of immortality that now exists is very likely to be small. As Carl Zimmer puts it, "Are you born to die?" the answer, for most people, is no. But if you could cheat death, there are a few other things you could do that would presumably be better for you and your family.
  • What should religion do for us today?
    Well, I think religion in a religious pluralism kind of goes hand in hand with a democracy. So, we have to just continue to live by the ideal. It is not like we are just stopping at secular education, but I think secular education in particular goes hand in hand with personal values and values of caring, community building and such.