• The possible deeper consequences of freedom of speech.
    First of all I want to thank everyone who responded to my topic.
    I was afraid nobody would respond. As I mention somewhere, English is not my native language, responding is not so easy ...

    I live with the knowledge that every individual has his or her own reality ... and that within that reality everyone has their own truths.
    This realization gives me the space and freedom to respect and study other opinions.
    I'm not the type of person who wants to bring people to other ideas or opinions.
    Staying flexible is the source of becoming a richer person.
    Endless discussions of who is right is something that I let glide over me ...

    The freedom of speech and the large flow of information that is currently available are indeed two different aspects. But they are closely intertwined.
    I could have expressed the freedom of speech with; the hopeless urge of people to have to share their opinions about everything ... Yet I regard this behavior as a result of the general freedom of speech.
    People want hopeless confirmation. People became terribly obsessed with getting attention and confirmation. I also consider this as a separate theme. But all of this urge again causes a lot of unnecessary information.

    I also grew up before everyone had a computer at home. I found most of the information I needed back then in the libraries. Internet within reach is an enormous freedom. It's delicious. But I can turn this off. I don't have a television either.

    For those who want to read further, I will list some examples below?
    I used to buy a newspaper on a summer Sunday morning and read it on a terrace of a bar with a cup of coffee. Usually when other people sat on the terrace with a drink, they talk a little quietly. I should have made an effort to follow the conversation. There were also exceptions back then. But If I want to read my newspaper today in this setting, I MUST listen to all the details. People talk loudly. People talk about everything. It is an acquired right. Am I rusty and old? I do not think so. I follow ... But it is a lot of information when you count everything up ...

    It's at the supermarket checkout, it's at the pharmacy's checkout, it's in the doctor's waiting room, ... I sometimes feel I’m being chased by sentences that start with, "You know what I'm thinking about that. .. "and" My opinion about this is ... " I’m not asking to hear all this people ... Maybe I should write a new topic about the freedom of being quiet ... People are becoming more and more afraid of the silence. As if silence must be broken with endless conversations. Hopeless unnecessary conversations. Often no content. No message ... Just rattling ...

    It's hard not to condemn this situation. I will not do it. But I consider it a problem.
    It could be my problem. Maybe not.
  • Playfulness as more of a possibility in approaching life.
    My native language is Dutch. I do study the Russian language. And Latvian language. My interests are very wide and divers... I do recognize the limitations of my "brain" capacity. Diversity in interests comes with compromises. For example: I did recognize around 375 birds visually, around 150 on vocal sounds...I guess for some 15 years. Then I started my interests in quantum physics... My knowledge of birds slowly started to drop... If you are a specialist in one or a few subjects, you can be a genius... (I'm smiling here now) if you have the tendency to be interested in to many things... And you dig deep in all of them... Chances you become a chaotic weirdo are potentially high... But yeah... There are so many interesting things out there... If that makes sense...
  • Playfulness as more of a possibility in approaching life.
    Thank you,

    I can be a verbal person myself. But in my native language. I do read a lot of literature in English, but reading and writing are not the same. For me. I live a rather solitude life. Physically. And on social platforms I'm more like a ghost just reading, thinking, observing, processing... My knowledge of the English language is probably to limited to be active on a platform like this. The power of knowledge isn't always represented in how good you can write about it. It's just the easiest way to share it. I admit. Real knowledge comes with understanding. I experience that understanding can also be "communicated" without words.

    You can write a beautiful poem and your beloved ones will maybe "understand" from what state of emotional being you were in when you put those words on paper. Then what is more beautiful? The poem or the recognition from your beloved ones who understand why you wrote that poem?

    You don't need to go over this. I easily loose track from my main subject. Saying: it's going to be naively difficult for me to join a meaningful discussion on this lovely forum. It's better to realize this myself before someone points it out...
  • Playfulness as more of a possibility in approaching life.
    My English is way to limited to type comments on this forum. I need to consider to end my participating. Playfulness is for me an instrument to be flexible. Flexible in terms of using your consciousness. Consciousness thinking I try to achieve by strong visualization techniques. Visualization techniques are in a way always playful. The playfulness of visualization techniques makes it all so attractive. I experience creative people who are more trained in using there right brain halve, are having less trouble in being playful... Approaching new situations, or old situations trough a new perspective, requires a certain creativity. Being creative makes playfulness way more easier... (Sorry for possible typing or grammar faults)
  • On Antinatalism
    I have not read everything above and this is my very first post. The question that I ask myself: What guarantees can you still give a child? For example: Are they still going to find a job? Job security? Health? The prices of a property? The new self-centered syndrome? The loss of physical communication? The shortage of drinking water? The future prices of drinking water? The generalized use of preservatives in food and all cancers that come with this? Is the loss of collateral increasing? The list is so long ... As a parent it is impossible to continue to protect your child and you have no guarantees anymore. It is exposed to a hard social environment. Are the elements ideal? Are they going to improve in the nearby future? To want to have a children and to be sure they will have a normal life... These are two different things. For me. It depends very much how a persons vision towards society and our environment is... If you think everything is fine and believe the government is going to solve all above problems, get a child... If you have doubts... Think twice...