• Quantum experiment undermines the notion of objective reality
    if two people shine the sun light into each others eyes with a mirror at 25 feet apart , both will be in conflict with each other objective reality .You can use a garden hose and spray each other too . same difference
  • Quantum experiment undermines the notion of objective reality

    the reflection of the sun setting across the ocean always goes from the sun, to the water and towards your POV

    If the 2nd person stands 25 feet away on the same beach at the same time , BOTH will observe the lights reflection on the water at he same time and it only leads to the person who is observing it . It doesnt go to both place and it does go to both places AT THE SAME TIME but the lights reflection will not be at both places at the same time .in the same relative locations.

    opposites are both subjective and objective based only on ones SUBJECTIVE POV
  • Quantum experiment undermines the notion of objective reality
    use water , mirrors violate occams razor. its simple .
  • Quantum experiment undermines the notion of objective reality

    easy to demonstrate with a football

    the QB throws the foot ball to his reciever who turns around at the last second to catch it .

    the QB throws the ball and it spins clockwise direction as he sees it get further and further away

    the receiver sees it coming but its spinning counter clockwise.NOT clockwise

    the ball never stopped or changed directions between the two players

    BOTH see opposite directions at the same time and both are correct.
    both see the ball but the QB sees it get smaller as it gets further away and the receiver sees it get bigger as it gets closer

    bigger and smaller
    closer and further

    If the QB hands the ball to his receiver , at the same time, then both are doing opposite actions at the same time in the same motion

    one hands it over and the other takes it over at the same time

    this can be construed as opposite or complimentary AT THE SAME TIME

    black comes from white
    white makes black
    white reflects and black absorbs at the same time and they also oppose at the same time they complement by the way of contrast
    white is an absolute and so is black
    you cant get whiter than white or blacker than black


    the wave and matter are at two poles of same item wave starts at blue and ends solid at black . It starts as emphty space and positive potential at WHITE with no density

    the number 1 is both a positive number and a neg at the same time

    multiplication is a positive and its opposite negative is division at the same time

    white is a positive and black its negative
  • The Meaning of Life
    life before creation
    life can do anything and can never lose. Life is alone . who is life going to lose to ?
    life starts a realm of duality
    the purpose of duality is to..... not........ be able to do anything but in the form of an .> illusion

    now life can do anything including win lose or draw ?....

    darwin has it backwards

    humanity devolves into apes , not evolving from them

    heres what i mean

    white has zero density
    black is solid density

    the spectrum of light is


    blue green red make white and yellow magenta cyan
    yellow magenta cyan make black and blue green red

    black comes from white between

    you cant get black without white

    red /cyan

    life knows everything and the purpose of duality is to " not know" everything .

    when we play games against each other its actually ONLY life playing games with itself

    How are you going to play a game if you can always win ? or have no opponents ? you create duality which in turn gives life millions of winning and losing opponents but its still only one player and the illusion of many..


    Duality IS the illusion and it can be found in objective and subjective reality and illusion

    peace !!