• What is intelligence and what does having a high IQ mean?
    Mines apparently high but I’m loathe to believe it. The thing is you need an in test that tests a range of cognitive functions not just all spatial awareness or pattern recognition or critical thinking. I mean not just one of those but an almagam of several those mentioned and more. And it shouldn’t spend to long on easy questions it should get gradually
    More Difficult. A test like that would give a good overall score. Too many in tests these days just test one type of cognitive function. So you might be terrible At patterns or something and score low and walk around depressed thinking you’re thick but on another test you might be a bloody genius. Just my two cents
  • Moral Superiority - Are you morally superior to someone else?

    But I think he’s saying it depends on perspective. And everyone has a point of view. Obviously some people are just plain wrong about things. But whose to say one persons view is more valid than another’s? As long as adeqequate thought is put into it I can see fair points from both sides of an argument usually. When I make a decision I try to look at things from several angles. And Try to remain objective. It’s arguably impossible since life is subjective for each person and we are creatures that suffer emotions and wants. Still the bigger picture must be considered and the consequences of your actions thought about. The world is the way it is for a reason. Imagine we achieved world peace in a day. Literally overnight...Would that break the world economy? If we stopped knowing how to wage war would that weaken us as a species in the longrun?
  • Is God a Subject?
    When I think about god I think about how 0 represents infinity and so does 8. Two iterations of the exact same
    Thing. It’s coincidental as well that the Roman Catholic religion claims that the world was made in seven days. and that there happens to be 7 numbers between 0 and 8. I guess if there was a true god he/she/they/it would encompass all the numbers 0 to 8. This leads me to the question was god asleep and having nightmares when the snake snuck into the garden of Eden to tempt eve. Or was this whole good versus evil thing meant to get the wheel turning and force is to overcome our limits and evolve?
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