• Is there a subconscious?

    yes but ever get the idea in a hedonistic way how pleasure is almost maximized by the pain of others
    not sure if this is conscious or subconscious hurt
  • The Material and the Medial
    means of information transmissionStreetlightX
    In the philosophical of epistemology the order will have to be what do the people know?
    what is knowledge? or what is THE knowledge and last is How is the knowledge acquired?

    To understand matter as medium though, also requires a rethinking of the nature of mediality itself. Although 'mediums' are often understood as a kind of epiphenomenon, a kind of cloth by which the 'real thing'StreetlightX
    This is a good read Immanuel Kant also argued about space and time but his view was of geometric
    patterns His readings are not very clear but I can see what he is really forming
  • Defending The Enemy?
    When it comes to philosophy, why is the speaker's personal opinion a matter of importance?
    When should it be considered ethically right to defense one's point with religion philosophy If a religion broken
    use, though debates and rhetoric can be of interest, just for their own sake, discussion-space is unnecessarily cluttered if people argue for positions that aren’t theirs. Maybe that’s why philosophy hasn’t been getting anywherMichael Ossipoff
    ntrums or road rage, it's not other folks' responsibility to walk on eggshells around you, to drive according to your whims, so that you don't launch into an explosive rage, get violent, etc. If you're experiencing those things and you do not want to, then you should get help for itTerrapin Station
  • Rethink the world

    What philosophy does this fall into aesthetic epistemology ethic logic
  • Is suffering inherently meaningful?

    falling into aesthetic philosophy any good philosophers
  • Is suffering inherently meaningful?

    lets be honest life can be stupid at point but suffering plays a major role It was conficious that said
    suffering is part of the world because its true Living in its basic form is just suffering Since technology has risen it has an impact that is no different than anything else
  • Is there a subconscious?
    believing in the subconscious is something powerful but remember the subconscious does not
    pick up information because it is not fully aware of anything The reason is because the brain will
    be having much information that will not be useful in the end Philosophy of the subconscious Is
    still debtable
  • Which are more powerful: nations or corporations?
    corporations because they can buy anything they want and it is done by having all the
    resources they have In the world of material corporations win because nation is just
    a sense of pride that is immaterial and can fade at any moment when one doesnt have
    possessions of the world resources
  • In pursuit of happiness.
    anything painful and that brings problem will be considered the
    opposite of happiness Every single human wants to be happy but it is just chemicals in the brain that
    brings that happiness The love of someone brings more happiness than anything else in the world
  • Consciousness and language
    Language is not used in babies nice have never taught of that almost the same when kids barely
    know any words so they just point to the thing and just say a sound to signify what they want It is
    probably when it is the language when it is much more structured that brings a whole different
    meaning too it Bringing the autistic problem it is probably that they dont want any interaction with

    people because they are seen as different Maybe they perceive the world a different view which
    brings a few philosophical points that should be seen as


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