• My argument against the double-slit experiment in physics.
    The double slit experiment forces us to step outside the box so we cannot define and create the result we want and expect to find. The laws of physics are defined as being "in a closed system" while the physical universe is a closed system because what you have observed has already been created, our sapience is outside that system or we would not have the ability to change the course of an object apart from where the laws have already defined where it is going. We can use our sapience to direct our sentience into doing something apart from what the laws of PHYSICS meaning physical existence has to abide by. The observation is the moment something becomes part of the closed system. The NOW is the defined creative moment of defining that system. the double slit experiment separates the now from the past
  • Am I alone?
    It depends on your definition of "being alone" For example some say in a marriage, The two become one. are they alone then because they are one? Or do they still have one another with them? Einstein said Mankind is under the optical DELUSION that they are separate from the universe and from each other. Are we alone is we are all ONE WITH OUR UNIVERSE ?
    If we are a SINGULARITY, does that mean we are alone?
    if I am alone with my thoughts, what am I with? I am not alone if I am with my thoughts and you are in my thoughts then am I not with you in some way?
  • If God exists, does God have a purpose for existing?
    Define God .. Creator and Controller of the Universe. The Universe exists something created it. The Universe controls all that happens within it.
    Conservation of energy the energy of the universe is constantly recreating itself for eternity .. sound familiar?
    Newtons Laws of Motion demands everything that every action in the universe has an equal and opposite reaction. Creator and Controller ... meet God.
    Einstein says Mankind is under the optical delusion he is separate from the universe. The truth is we consist of the same sub atomic energy that the rest of the universe consists of. We are ONE with the universe and the firing of our synapses a binary system demands that we be ONE with the universe or NOT ONE, or NOTHING!
  • If God exists, does God have a purpose for existing?
    "Let's look at the question where God is defined as the wholly simple and necessary First Cause who caused reality and encoded order, morality and purpose into creation.
    If we take an Aristotelian view on the matter, causation is a perpetual chain which spans the entirety of, well, causality, until we arrive at the Uncaused Cause.
    So whatever exists as a result of causality is, according to Aristotle at least, a result of this Uncaused Cause. That includes the creation of us, too.
    If God gave purpose to all creation, what is that purpose?"
    The law of conservation of energy demands God be eternal and have no first cause. Everything that exists has always existed therefore we have no cause because we also as energy have always existed in some form or another. However since we have not existed in this form what is the cause of our existence in this form. Newtons Laws O Motion state every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The actions of the energy within the universe have caused us to come to this present form. The Universe is defined by a simple binary system we call the firing of synapses. Scientists claim the universe has its own binary system. Einstein says Mankind is under an optical ILLUSION that he is separate from the universe. PHYSICAL REALITY IS AN ILLUSION !! Therefore we do not exist except as a sapience that declares As God did to Moses and as Descartes declared by his own existence I AM . Therefore all that exists is our awareness of our existence which we then transform into all the manifestations that our sapience concludes by its desire to define who it is. I AM ? What where who and WHY am I and then that beginning of the big bangs turns into planets and molecules and atoms and sub atomic forces and THE GOD PARTICLE ... which will never be explained because by the time we are able to OBSERVE a particle, it has already gone into the past and no longer exists in the now. Just as that planet 4 light years away no longer exists like "Schrodinger's cat" does not exist. This is why observation makes a difference. Because by observing something you are not observing its reality because by the time you observe it, it has already changed form. Energy cannot be created or destryed but it is constantly changing form. Everything you see and define as physical is constantly changing form and is not what you perceive it to be. Okay I need to stop here for now. but nothing ever stops does it? The universe is STILL CHANGING FORM continuously.