• Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Just say what a fault is and I will then give you my thoughts of that fault you have identified.

    This is basic principle.

    If you have nothing, so be it.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    The history follows me. It is perceived as it arises. I do not write everything down as it arrives.

    It is up to you to be specific for me to comment on each specific.

    I’m not going to write a book for you.
  • What's wrong with fascism?
    You will perceive whatever is convenient to what you believe.

    Nothing surprising about that. Nothing special.
  • Epistemic justification
    Oh. You found a convenient box to place me into. I don’t subscribe.

    You don’t have my permission so I’m not in that box. Feel free to delude yourself with your array of various boxes to play with.

    Doing so, as you have, is merely a reaction from a sense of insecurity. A condition which manifests as wanting to produce order and control.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I have stated several times he has made, and will make, mistakes and that this is inevitable because one cannot always predict what one’s opposition may do.

    I’m not going to play your game of you putting me to work trawling through Trump’s entire history.

    He is doing a reasonable job so far given what he is up against.
  • A puzzle concerning identity - the incoherence of Gender
    When someone says that they are a man in a woman's body or a woman in a man's body what they are really saying is that they are a man or a woman, respectively, with a mental illness,Harry Hindu

    I would only say it has negative psychological implications if this state of mind is expressed, by the person, as "trapped".

    'Trapped" expresses a problem.

    Otherwise, if it causes no harm then "illness" is unnecessary.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Sarah Sanders herself would be proud of your non-answeRank Amateur

  • Epistemic justification
    Now the discussion is reaching an appropriate level.Heiko

    Yes. Your level. I replied in kind once you revealed your attitude.

    Maybe you should see a doctor.Heiko

    That is the end of our conversation.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Putin probably has some useful information on Trump's enemies.

    So of course he should keep his cards close to his chest.

    I suspect Putin had private business arrangements with Hillary Clinton.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    So you are faulting his lack of action. Can you find fault in any of his actions?Jeremiah

    It was an action to hire Sessions. This turned out to be a mistake, in my opinion.

    To continue trying to work with Sessions as the DOJ is most certainly an ongoing action....and it is a mistake.
  • Epistemic justification
    This looks interesting, but I can't quite see what you're getting at. Care to expand?Pattern-chaser

    You cannot be a thing separate from your experience. You can only be whatever the experience is.

    You identity is whatever is occurring. Whatever arises in consciousness is you.
  • Epistemic justification
    One cannot not be a thing occurring as a thing occurringnumberjohnny5

    My argument is that one is what is occurring.

    It is impossible to be one without what is occurring and it is impossible for there to be any occurrence without one.
  • Epistemic justification
    We need to do it to survive. But we can be aware that we're doing it, and realise that labels aren't the thing that they're labelling.numberjohnny5

    What is it, though, that is surviving?

    All these survival applications will still be involuntary because it will involve acts that were generated by thoughts which involuntarily arose.

    There is the experience that could be labelled "survival".
  • Epistemic justification
    For example, I am aware of the wind blowing on my face. I did not choose to notice that. I became aware of it in a passive sense. I can choose to act upon that sensation consequently, but that's not what I'm referring to here.numberjohnny5

    All you have done here is used a category as a point on a spectrum. "Passive" is merely a point on a spectrum, the entire spectrum being "action".

    "I did not choose to notice that. I became aware of it in a passive sense"

    That's right. No choosing or no doing. Just as you do not beat your heart or breathing your lungs.

    "Nonconscious brain states are involuntary brain processes that involve regulating breathing, hear rate, balance, sensory and motor functions, etc"

    What is interesting is that people, maybe you included, identify themselves as a thinker of thoughts.

    However, As we have established, thoughts are involuntary (they merely arise, and then "actively" heard if in a "passive" way - passively noticed, or they generate a more grossly physical act, or are dismissed, or generate another thought).
  • Epistemic justification
    Sure, that's to do with the function of an ear. But functionality is just one criteria that people connote to different things. An arm can still be an arm even if its past functioning has stopped, because the criteria for being an arm to one might not involve or include arm functionality.numberjohnny5

    Which refers to my point about what is actually occurring. Labels for parts is not a good reference for what is actually occurring.

    "I am sitting at my pc" refers to a whole lot of parts which therefore implies a specific identity.

    My point is that that identity, this "I, is not what it is in actuality.

    One cannot be a thing other than what is occurring.
  • Epistemic justification
    That's conflating epistemology with ontology. Do you understand? Knowledge of X does not determine or equate with actuality of X. By the way, you say "actualist", but that rather sounds like an idealist positionnumberjohnny5

    Trying to find a label or box for myself is not something which interests me.

    My words are my words.
  • Epistemic justification
    I wonder if you over-estimate your own importance in this?Pattern-chaser

    That appears to be a question, so no.

    I'll have to get back to you on your other inquiries. Inundated currently which I may not get through today.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Give me a specific mistake that Trump HAS madeJeremiah

    He should have fired Jeff Sessions when he recused himself.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    What specifically are these mistakes you are talking about which Trump has made as PresidentJeremiah

    He should have fired far more people right from the start.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Either way, you have made it your job to troll for Trump. You won't criticize Trump at all, you have admitted to that.Jeremiah

    He will make mistakes out of not knowing what his opposition may do to thwart him. We can't always predict what others will do.

    It is just how it is for everyone.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I am thinking you are not allowed to criticize Trump. The idea that he is perfect and has not made any mistakes at all, is just to far out there, even for you.Jeremiah

    I think your understanding is somewhat limited.

    I don't know about you but when I have an idea and then try to make it something, and the first attempt failed, then I will often try a different method.

    The first attempt had mistakes in it which may have been impossible to identify until attempt was tried.

    So a "mistake" is usually just part of the normal process as human beings.

    Maybe you would like an AI leader.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Plus it is what you are being paid to do.Jeremiah

    The money is good, sure. Rubles are pretty steady at the moment. Maybe a better option than US fiat currency.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    It is completely nuts that you can't bring yourself to criticize one fault. If you are not able to see his errors, then clearly you are not able to view the man objectively. Even the most die hard Trump fan should be able to see that man makes mistakesJeremiah

    Mistakes in what sense? I am saying it is too early to assess his legacy as president because what he seems to want to achieve is still open to being achieved. It's obviously a battle, but hey! That appears to be the nature of the job.
  • Epistemic justification
    I wasn't saying anything about death. My comment was to do with identity, i.e. a mind being identical to brainnumberjohnny5

    My point is mind/brain identical with body thereby one identifiable entity being "body-mind".
  • Epistemic justification
    Yes, but not limited to will. We sometimes have automatic thoughts that we can just be aware of; or sense/perceive things without necessarily acting upon those experiences.numberjohnny5

    What do you mean "act upon"? Surely a thought perceived is always "acted upon". The act could be a dismissive action.

    . "nonconscious brain states are involuntary brain processes that involve regulating breathing, hear rate, balance, sensory and motor functions, etc"

    Are arising thoughts therefore "nonconscious brain states" due to the fact they arise involuntarily?

    Thoughts arise involuntarily, do they not?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Trump has you deranged, buddy. All I'm doing is demonstrating your own bad judgment by posting a couple times in this thread and living my life, you're posting dozens of times a day about your obsession with Trump, so it's not surprising you project your derangement onto others. Also, way to skip straight to ad hominem in order to skip any meaningful reflection on how thoroughly whipped your logic isJohn Doe

    If I post a dozen times a day it is because I respond many times to who responds to me. I'm doing it now with you.

    I can't help being popular, and people respond expecting a response back. So it is respectful I do so.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    So you are completely incapable of seeing any faults in the President.Jeremiah

    Do you have any "faults"? Everyone will find something they will disagree with with anyone else. We would likely refer to them as being wrong vs being right on any particular point (placing ourselves as right).

    Is that what you mean by a "fault"?

    Has he made errors as a President? I think any leader or any person will fail at trying to achieve something, but the point is they had a go.

    Are we not all triers? Do we not all falter when trying?

    You seem to attempt to dehumanize with such questions as that.
  • Epistemic justification
    No... my fat ass is my own workHeiko

    I bet it's creation takes up most of your time.
  • Epistemic justification
    A human arm can be attached or detached from the rest of the human body. The arm itself hasn't changednumberjohnny5

    Only either immediately or if it has been kept on ice.

    Is a detached ear still an ear if it is re-attached surgically onto a leg (just to maintain blood supply to it)?

    My point is about the use terms used to represent what is actually occurring rather than merely symbolic language.

    An ear attached to a leg is no longer an ear. It has lost it's "ear" function.
  • Epistemic justification
    You're conflating epistemology with ontology there, unless you're an idealist. Are you an idealist?numberjohnny5

    An actualist. An observer of what is obvious. No physical thing exists if it is not perceived.
  • Epistemic justification
    I'm not sure whether we're on the same page, but I'll just say that brain and mind are identical. They share the same location.numberjohnny5

    The entire body is in the same "location" to exist. Remove the head the body also dies and vice versa.
  • Epistemic justification
    No. Nonconscious brain states are involuntary brain processes that involve regulating breathing, hear rate, balance, sensory and motor functions, etc.numberjohnny5

    Are you therefore saying "mind" refers to will?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    So, you can't think of a single political error, because you define "political error" in such a way as to rule out what would normally be considered as political errors? All that's required is that he remain in his position in spite of the backlash - the arguably justified backlash - against his actions? Isn't that sophism?

    The failed Muslim ban? The steel and aluminium tariffs? Moving the US embassy? Appearing weak and manipulated by Putin? These are not political errors? I would love to hear your apologetics on how these are in fact heroic acts worthy of the greatest admiration.

    1. "would normally be considered as political errors?"

    What are "normal" political errors? Do you have a list for comparison?

    2."he remain in his position in spite of the backlash"

    "Backlash", to me, simply means there are those that disagree but with an emotional emphasis. Being emotional is itself a very used tool in politics and political debate (feigned or exaggerated for effect is common).

    3. The failed Muslim ban?

    Failed? It was eventually changed to Executive Order 13769. Obama restricted visa waivers for those seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen.

    4. The steel and aluminium tariffs?

    Time may tell how this will pan out.

    5. Moving the US embassy?

    Many previous presidents have said they would do this, including Obama, and then did not. Obama voiced his opinion that he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capitol but back his opinion in actuality. Weak, maybe?

    6. Appearing weak and manipulated by Putin?

    "Appearances". Yours and others opinion. You forget or did not know of H. Clinton special moments with Putin or Obama caught on a hot mic leaning toward Russian ambassador saying he will be able to discuss things with Putin after the (2012) election? How did that "appear"? Or is it that mainstream media tried hard to not make it "appear"?

    7. "I would love to hear your apologetics on how these are in fact heroic acts worthy of the greatest admiration."

    I never said I perceived Trump as a hero or that I greatly admired him. Was that question sophism, perhaps, or did you just interpret something wrongly - an honest mistake?
  • Process philosophy question
    I'm happy to share my view/belief/feeling about this ... but you might not like it!rachMiel

    Well I personally am unable to identify a thing which I believe is me. So it is indeed mysterious to me. This is why I fail to accept norms of language, terms etc, as representative of actuality.

    Ah! It was Alan Watts who said: “The common error of ordinary religious practice is to mistake the symbol for the reality, to look at the finger pointing the way and then to suck it for comfort rather than follow it.”

    The same relates, I think, to the symbols that is everyday conversation about things and experiences within which the "I", "me" and "you" are used.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Can't even think of one?Jeremiah
    Not a political error given he is still in the job with consideration to that fact so much is thrown at him.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Give a specific error he has madeJeremiah
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Bengazhi may not be over. There are thousands of email exchanges yet to be public.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    You think? Nah. Couldn't be,Banno

    However, a flaw for who? It becomes relative.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Maybe. Or a probe in a different direction could factor.