• Is it immoral to do illegal drugs?
    it gets you off and helps you deal with life with a little bit of edge, what is immoral about that?
  • Is suicide by denying/turning away from the absurd realistic?
    Emotional, social systemic cause, insanity--all seems to be plausible, but a suicide only triggered by the meaninglessness of life, in the purely philosophical sense doesn't seem plausibleKushal

    why wouldn't it seem plausible? here's a part of my book on philosophy that discusses why suicide could be a valid option to the meaninglessness of it all
    After many years of studying, I've finally concluded my research on why some commit suicide and some don't.
    If you have been privileged enough to own a PlayStation you will know that there are good games and there are bad games out there. (Of courseeee I'm degrading Call of duty.) And after a few sweet rounds of playing a game you will understand whether that game is worth sacrificing your love life to or not. If yes, you will continue to play it for many years, and if you don't like it, you will most rationally quit the game and go take a nap. Never caring what happens in the game after you're gone cause, man that game sucked.
    The value of life through the eyes of some is considered to be the quality of it, just as how a bad game (Again, please think of Call of duty.) gets bad reviews and fewer people like to play it and they honestly don't care about it and will just throw the game out the window, some people consider whether they should continue breathing or not. But then again, have you ever done anything in your life that was not fun or didn't give you pleasure?
  • To be or not to be
    You can’t really say that hurting you is an improvement.Michael Ossipoff

    I never said it will hurt me, I just said that it might. you know you might not reach your goals but you wake up every day working towards them.
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    I think happiness is a byproduct of a healthy ego, healthy interpretations, a positive outlook for the future and some other things.Judaka

    Do me a favour and define healthy mindset.
    I also want to add that biological differences and the relationships with other interpretations can mean that dreams are not beneficial for you and nothing you do will change this. That's why despite what I said, one can forsake dreams to remove the problems they cause. Just understand that dreams are reinforced as habitually recurring interpretations and you probably can't get rid of them without fixing those.Judaka

    I also think that human beings have a wild imagination, and can't help themselves dreaming the impossible. Girls at early ages dream of that prince charming on the white horse and boys dream of the future with 5 yachts and 10 houses. I think that dreaming is in man's instinct and is impossible to stop.
    What do you dream about?
  • To be or not to be
    The analogy doesn’t fit the situationMichael Ossipoff

    in my analogy, video game A wasn't death caused by suicide, it was a content worry less life, the type that you speak of, the promised life promised by our parents and our schools and the life camus promises by laughing at the absurd. The life where problems are tolerable, where at the end of the day, you and your significant other share a cup of coffee together and read books or whatever you're into, where you sense purpose and meaning. That's video game A compared to video game B of mine where everyday is a constant struggle to even get out of my room, not because I'm sad but because I'm numb.
    And I don't wanna be depicted as a sad edgelord who fetishizes his own sadness, I'm really trying to elevate my life. By doing things that make me happy at that particular time, and breaking away from the system, I'm following through just so that I could get a glimpse of the life that you promise, but if this doesn't work either, well....
  • To be or not to be
    Given the irreversibility, how sure are you really that it will result in something better, and not worse?
    Michael Ossipoff

    I don't know, I might go to hell or heaven, the underworld of Greek myths, or eaten by Egyptian afterlife monsters, or even merely go from one folder to another folder, if we are inside a giant simulation. All I know is that, when you're not content with your life, and deem it too trivial to begin caring about, it's nothing but a big, yet brave, risk to take. It might get worse if there's an afterlife and we don't reside in blackness (I still don't understand how there can't be oblivion, you go there every night when you sleep). But it's only sensible to take action to improve your life, even if it ultimately ends up hurting you
  • To be or not to be
    Is this just philosophical Nihilism, or is there something about your particular life-situation that makes your own particular life inadequate for you?Michael Ossipoff

    to answer that question, I think it'd be better if we chatted somewhere than here. Google hangouts is a great choice
  • To be or not to be
    …and suicide might satisfy you?
    Michael Ossipoff

    Imagine that you've just bought a new gaming console, with two brand new games. You put the first disk in. You get so immersed in this game that you don't notice how much time has passed, you are thoroughly enjoying it, it's been a long time since you've had this much fun with a game.
    And now you put the second disk in. 10 mins in and you already know how much of a crappy and generic game it is, with no substance in it, it's just there for no apparent reason.
    What would you do with the second video game? Keep playing it until you compulsively convince yourself that you like it? Or do you rationally delete the damn game?
    life for some is the first video game but for most it's the second one
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    what say you makes us happy wise man?
  • To be or not to be
    but as you said its temporary, and i don't know if it's just me or it's the same for others, but that sense of purpose when I start doing something new, when I tell myself that I've gotta stop caring about the meaninglessness of it all, fades away pretty quickly, a week or 2 at best
  • To be or not to be
    but as you said its temporary, and i don't know if it's just me or it's the same for others, but that sense of purpose when I start doing something new, when I tell myself that I've gotta stop caring about the meaninglessness of it all, fades away pretty quickly, a week or 2 at best
  • To be or not to be
    I find there's even more beauty in the idea that the randomness and probabilities of the universe settled on something that can perceive its own beautyChristoffer

    what beauty are you talking about exactly?
  • To be or not to be
    If you don't have any wants, then why would there be a reason to do anything?Michael Ossipoff

    I quite haven't figured out whether life is incapable of satisfying me in any way, or there's something out there that will make me more at ease. And I'm searching to see if the latter could be true
  • To be or not to be
    Approaching nothing, sure, but never getting thereMichael Ossipoff

    all the things that you mentioned prior to this sentence were true and made sense, but i dont understand their correlation with this statement "Approaching nothing, sure, but never getting there"
    Why has there gotta be anything but blackness and simply ceasing to exist?
    Say you eventually die naturally, or by physically-necessary auto-euthanasia or requested-euthanasia, because of a disease or injury that spoils your quality-of-life. That isn’t suicide, and it isn’t a bad death.Michael Ossipoff
    But I'd like to argue that euthanasia, self-requested, is a form of suicide nevertheless. See, people who take their own lives, teenage girls or unemployed dudes, are suffering to an extent which is indurable for them. They don't kill themselves because their boyfriends broke up with them or they lost their job, they suffer because the value of their lives, which was based on careers or a loving relationship, shatter and they seem unable to find any reason to why they have got to continue the futile existence. And in my opinion, this kinda existential crisis is far more painful and excruciating than any kind of cancer or disease, and only a madman would linger on their lives.
    Unnecessarily ending one’s life by destroying one’s body would be the ultimate device-malfunction, self-denial, self-hate, and misery-preservation. …attempting to end misery and discontent, but instead bringing it with you.Michael Ossipoff
    I just don't understand why people have got to hate themselves to commit suicide? I don't understand this notion at all
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    I want to adapt my mind to see things that are pleasurable; that's one account where dreams are proficent.kill jepetto
    So what you're saying is that there are shitty things as well as good things in the world and I'm trying to work on my mind so that it wouldn't be fixated on negative stuff. You've chosen to try to look at life from a positive perspective. is that right?
    But the thing that haunts me the most is that what if negative things are inevitable and running away from them can hurt you severely.
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    so how do you find happiness?
  • To be or not to be
    How can you know for sure that there's no such thing as oblivion, absolute silence and blackness? Oblivion sounds like nothing, but it can give you that nothing else can, peace of mind.
    I'd love it if you could tell me why you think that oblivion is nothing but an illusion.
  • To be or not to be

    I was crying because I was in the middle of an existential crisis, but then you made me laugh. Thank you good sir.
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    Well, let's rephrase my question. Are wanting things and improvement dangerous to our well being? Wanting things that you can achieve, but might fail getting them, is that dangerous?
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    They give you a temporary high I agree, but they also promise that things'll stay that way.
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    Well, in my opinion, dreams and expectations are essentially identical when you consider how they're used to improve our lives.
    When life gets hard, as it usually tends to do, we dream of a better situation, and I think that we naturally dream in hard conditions as a way to reduce the stress or pain, a coping mechanism.
    And I doubt that anyone accepts their problems fully and doesn't expect things to get better, no matter how much philosophy they've read or how they know that life is never perfect. I think all of us do.
    Looking at things from this perspective, I think that dreams and expectations are the same. And if we don't expect things to get better, then life gets fucking scary
  • Are dreams harmful to our well-being?
    but if we're not supposed to have any over the top dreams, ones that despite being unrealistic, shed some light on our gloomy existence, then how are we ought to escape our problems?
  • To be or not to be
    suicidal is nothing but an option to extract early if you do not like this game, this labyrinth that God or the gods have put forward.
    its highly ironic to me that god gave us this life that sucks in every level and get mad if we don't play by the rules
  • The Obsession with Perfection
    An objects history can only get richer but not poorer.TheMadFool

    what do you mean an object's history can get richer but not poorer? people don't like PUBG as much as when it came out
  • Is Obedience Irrational?
    give me an example where one person doesn't act on obedience and is solely driven by passion and his own agency. in my cynical opinion, the universe doesn't allow control to individuals, and control is nothing but a myth
  • Determinism and mathematical truth.
    here's no such thing as a nonphysical anything.Terrapin Station

    there could be. what if we are living in a simulation?
  • To be or not to be
    thats not a point, that's just some way to phrase your sentenece
    point is something that you feel
  • To be or not to be
    In another thread of mine I argue that fear and false beliefs are the source of most suffering. And I believe you hold false beliefs which you haven't uncovered that make you suffer.leo

    can you explain what you mean? you might be right.
    and yes, life is unbearable without the fun
  • To be or not to be
    as stated earlier, wish i could i help it. and too much exposure to internet can send you down paths you really shouldnt go.
  • To be or not to be
    but what if we're living in a simulation and after our death we go to hell or heaven orrrrr another dimension orrrrr meet the programmers of the matrix
    we probably turn to dust but there is the possibility of something else happening
  • To be or not to be
    so what youre basically saying is that, i gotta live if i wanna play guitar and fall in love, and if i dont want anything, suicide is the best option
  • To be or not to be
    i've read that book, what camus said was very appealing, but unfortunately, i find it impractical. i mean yeah it'd be great if we could just do stuff without ever thinking too much about it, its the perfect answer. just like how the answer for a football team on how to win the league would be "win every single match". works on paper but impractical.
  • To be or not to be
    and where would the right place for that be?
  • To be or not to be
    thats not actually practical. i dont know how one can control his/her thoughts. no apologies needed, im 19 , younger than you expected.
    but seriously, i've tried what you said, i tried to distract myself, but no matter how long i keep my thoughts at bay, they find their way back in at 3 am when i wanna sleep
  • To be or not to be
    i thought a lot about what you said, and it was very clever. but i guess you define something's point differently than i do.
    see, there are things we do in life, we eat, we sleep, we love and we loathe. and we do each and all of our actions because of something, we eat because we dont wanna starve. little things in life make sense, theyre not pointless. but life itself, ultimately is pointless. lemme explain better
    imagine youre in a car and its 2 am, youre driving somewhere you dont know. you turn on your headlights cause you dont wanna crash, you put on your seatbelt cause you dont wanna die, you listen to music on the road cause you dont wanna fall asleep.
    But the grand question is, why are you going in the first place? you dont know that. your trip is pointless but the little things you do on the way or not pointless
    you understand me?
  • To be or not to be
    fear keeps us going? fear of what?
    i understood what you meant by love, you basically mean loving something, and love doing something, a passion that paints color on the canvas that our lives are on.
    but the question is, is that truly all you can hope for in this life? (i dont know what else im hoping for but i quite feel that there's gotta be something else)
    and the other question is that what if you love something that's considered wrong? hitler loved killing jews and it was wrong
  • How do we know the world wasn’t created yesterday
    i'd go through all kinds of pain if i knew, if i had a single clue what i was doing it for. you can do anything or rather endure all kinds of pain if you knew why you were doing it for.
    the real hell, at least for me, is not knowing why i even get up
    thats the unfunny joke
  • What are your views on death?
    it can be pretty fucking scary, some speak of eternal life, there's no way to disprove that.
    best case scenario we rest dreamlessly. it'd be hell going on without the prospect of death to look forward to
  • On nihilistic relativism
    people pretend that theyre nihilist cuz we like to be non-caring stone cold heart people, but if you didnt care, you wouldnt start this discussion
  • To be or not to be
    that sounds beautiful, but first of all what if you aint got none to be all cute with. and then after that we both know that poetry even though is super fulfilling when it's present in our lives, it's absent most of the time