• Actual Philosophy
    Plato: “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.”

    Very true quote, the ignorant will always get angry attack those who expose their ignorance.
    On the contrary you should thank me for trying to step up the philosophical skills amongst these cozy chatters, to evolve humankind from the stone ages to information age.

    Some still live in mud huts even in these modern times anno 2018, because they don't have what it takes to evolve, because they have lived in ignorance.

    It's Plato's cave all over again, they attacked and killed the dude who went outside and tried to enlighten those still remaining inside.
  • Actual Philosophy
    You have my thanks for seeing reason, and to speak my defense! <3
  • The idea that we don't have free will.
    Have you actually read any scientific articles about the topic, or are you just inviting for a cozy chat?