Can the heart think? Baby's are born crying. We are born with emotions. They are genetic and as such they are apart of what's kept those genes alive for 100's of thousands of years. Emotions are our survival instincts. They are where all of our sensibilities come from. Gut instinct, common sense, empathy (The ability to imagine how others feel), etc. Immanuel Kants critique of pure reason hits on this. It explains that strictly mathematical thinking prevents us from predicting what might come next because math problems give you no clue of what's coming next. 1+... what comes next could be an infinite series of numbers or a symbol they came up with at a university conference yesterday. Our sensibilities give us an idea of what's coming next based on our prior experiences and sorts through though experiences at a much quicker rate than the conscious mind is capable of. People who lack sufficient life experience lack these sensibilities and are intern prone to argue their existence.