• Welcome to The Philosophy Forum - an introduction thread
    Who is this Count Radetzky? Or are all historical names banned from this forum?
  • It Takes a Village Where the People Have Their Shit Together
    How does a nation build social capital, when social capital mostly has to come FROM individuals, rather than be given TO individuals?Bitter Crank

    Social capital can come from a sense of national belonging or unity, but I am not talking about this in a nationalistic sense as this can be abstract and broad. I am talking about this in a more traditional conservative sense where in the pre revolutionary era (before 1848) life was centred upon faith in God and the Kaiser (King). In a sense resulted together seemingly isolated villages, but led to strong communities in those villages where everyone would know each other and this would create a sense of unity, which links to the “village” idea of the discussion. In a sense the 1848 revolutions attempted to destroy this connection through a variety of ways such as liberalism and nationalism, changing the balance of power around the world, which ultimately affected the village community.
  • It Takes a Village Where the People Have Their Shit Together
    Absolutely right. Proves the point that one can be more virtuous from memorising all of the gospels, rather than being a philosopher, as philosophy eventually leads down to faith.
  • Are some people better than others?
    Everyone is born equal, under God. A person's life choices will make oneself different from others, but from the beginning we are all same, and will be the same forever, as God loves all (John 5:42).

Klemens von Metternich

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