• Pantheism
    Perhaps one reason there hasn’t been an artificial intelligence apocalypse is that computers are so superior to humans that we weren’t even worth defeating! That’s how meta divine judgment could be! Likewise the impact of the world’s 8 billion population could be a stealthy version of karma where we might never fully know how irrelevant our country is to another country as if we were just “no-name” to another part of the globe. In other words we weren’t even worth being warned of how irrelevant our country could’ve been viewed. Hence the punishment of there being a third world might be a trickle down effect of irrelevance towards the first world if a first world country doesn’t take itself seriously enough. It’d be as if India tried to outcompete how relevant any other third world country once tried to be to even bother trying to advertise how irrelevant their own African or South American country could have been with so many slums!
  • Anti-Realism
    To assess consciousness we could reference a brainless skull as if the way in which a sound wave enters the small ear cavity mimics diffraction as if the sound wave is amplified in our mind.

    “Diffraction is the spreading out of waves as they pass through an aperture or around objects.”
  • Anti-Realism
    Ironically enough if the mind is immaterial then not only is the brain immaterial but the eyeball itself would somehow be immaterial rather than just the light inside it as if the eyeball were a mere sundial. So there are limits to how immaterial we could be so as not to glorify our eyes like diamonds!
  • Pantheism
    One problem with national borders isn’t just economic or cultural but also spiritual. In other words the idea of prioritising poor natives for help might be at slight of backfiring in the context of circularity. In other words is there a risk of an illusion where the country is on life support as a metaphysical perception! Is there a version of karma where closed borders in America might ironically emphasise open borders in their own history to outcompete all other countries with closed borders if they don’t reciprocate with a two-way shared border! Even if we don’t end up with open borders there might still be an educational value in understanding an ideal of open borders to pre-empt economic mismanagement in a country. So there’s a risk of improvised or exaggerated jobs as we see in the third world if certain people have to multitask several part time jobs to make ends meet. The primary problem in terms of spirituality is if people don’t glorify their own country but take their own country granted in a way that’s ripe for complacency. Were a country fully glorified then in theory all native working class people would be able to maintain their jobs with open borders simply because their ethnicity would’ve been an advantage were it reciprocated with their employers simply to like their own country’s history even though it’s indeed not the only criteria in order to avoid discrimination. The potential risk of not simulating open borders is if poor people in the third world accidentally normalise low paid jobs in a way that might not actually be sustainable in underestimating the need to either get further education or to re-skill in a different trade. In other words few people might suspect in a worst case scenario that actually everyone and not just most people might be outcompeted under open borders by immigrants from a different country. Yet they’d fail to take a hint that no was once relevant to normalise their country without properly viewing the country as a catastrophe to be vigilant and adrenalised enough to either retrain or to truly champion solidarity even under closed borders! That’s why a national sports rout can be so devastating as a symbolic worry in all other economic and cultural areas! Only the blankest possible expression can indicate that you were never once involved in another country’s culture to think they’d be tolerable as a counterfactual of reincarnating into! A limitation of anti-state activism is of temporal causation where by liking the history of a country and not liking the present country can create an ambiguity in how much more glorious a country secretly yearned to be relative to foreigners in a way that could appear unrealistic!

    Commando - Mansion Shootout Scene 3/3
  • Pantheism
    What if we applied pantheism to animals? That way God would resemble a relay race as if God intermittently embodies both the predator and the prey to maximise athletic strength!
  • Anti-Realism
    Negative wave interference in a band isn't always bad because listeners are so accustomed to music. So one way pop music can be so stealthy is that you don't always detect the instruments being played at certain beats. That way after a few months of your first hearing of a song you can detect way more instrumental patterns. One version of hedonism is that pop music can be a cacophony as if the song were an ultimatum where it's up to you to save the song were it redeemed. The very fact that the instruments don't have to be fully synchronised can mimic the profit incentives of capitalism as if each instrument can extort all other instruments in the same band to play way more efficiently like an internal dance-off contest. This might mimic Lisa Simpson’s unauthorised saxophone solo in the starting orchestra practice! Hence there can be a fine line between discordance and self-deprecation where much like how the lyrics have a chorus so too do the instruments where some beats in other verses have to be downplayed in order to elevate others. The way we can easily forget a song soon after listening to it in spite of enjoying it mimics how the song might have been too idealistic much like a dream. Anyway a few months after listening to Memories below I noticed an encrypted drum pattern and then a bass pattern before researching the remixes below. One feature of the singer's voice that I really like was how he was capable of singing slowly at an equal tempo with slight omissions in his words like "tonigh'" in such a way that he appears to have originally spoken really fast but then slowed down in his singing voice as a temporal juxtaposition like an echo. Overall one difference between pop music and classical music might be a greater temptation for positive interference more so than negative interference in classical music as if the splendid nature of classical instruments can make it harder to accept their personal limits. Listening to the original “Memories” song almost felt like a police wiretap investigation after analysing the songs below!

    David Guetta - Memories feat Kid Cudi [Drum Cover]

    Memories - David Guetta ft. Kid Cudi (Bass guitar Cover) - James Ernst

    David Guetta - Memories ft. Kid Cudi | Shreyas Panda Violin Cover

    David Guetta - Memories piano - (the topsen)

    David Guetta & Kid Cudi "Memories" guitar ⚡ cover by ‪@danrugor‬ ⚡
  • Anti-Realism
    Perhaps a tachyonic message from another mind might resemble an awkward silence of whatever wasn’t said. So one reason certain songs might feel tense might be that not only are you less serious than the song but also your friends as if few people are as nice to listen to in conversation as a song. This can be open-ended either as a cue to get more serious friends or as a version of self-deprecation!

    Basement Jaxx - Romeo
  • Anti-Realism
    A tolerant version of antirealism is that anyone who’s materialistic is immaterial about their own material perception relative to an anti-realist viewing the world as still secretly unreal! Much like an epicurean version of food indulgence there’s no limit to how serious one version of antirealism is to another much like how someone could glorify one vegetable against another person’s favourite vegetable!
  • Anti-Realism
    One way a song can feel evil is to expose false humility in your own psyche as if you’d only agree with being very serious were everyone evil! One way music can evoke childhood emotions might be in how the singer had a more serious childhood than you without it being immediately apparent.
  • Anti-Realism
    Were there a collective unconscious then dreaming might resemble TV advertisements and movie trailers! That’d help explain why we’d forget so many dreams due to conflicts of interests!
  • Anti-Realism
    It’s often joked how going to school naked is the worst nightmare to have during sleep only for online porn to have made the issue moot where anyone can appear as naked as heck no matter what clothes they’ve on! It’s possible that certain symptoms of mental illness mimic karma in counterbalancing each other. So during my early 20s I was often tempted too feel to proud of an immaterial perception only for there to be a risk of megalomania or nightly hallucinations. The way I failed my leaving cert ended up being a bit of a perversion because anytime I felt overconfident I could counteract it by saying I wasted my time in my last 2 years of secondary school as if I were imprisoned! I realised that if I was very serious I’d be immediately content with the analytical skills I learned at school. As such anytime I thought about the failure I developed a reflex to never try to resolve it consciously in favour of unconsciously resolving it over years and years. Prior embarrassment in school was thus used to counteract my temptations for fame in quantum mechanics such that my satisfaction in my final quantum theories eventually helped to resolve my leaving cert failure. The way I can multitask ruminations on past failures can be a gamble in allowing me not to focus 100% on one specific task such that in an emergency I’d always have more spare energy to respond and forget as an anti-psychotic technique. Yet not fully focusing can itself be a culprit for creating another disaster too or can even be a temptation to be too aggressive just to focus harder like my tennis competitions! Furthermore the more ruminations on past failures I entertain the more I’ve to multitask on any other pursuits like playing the guitar making it harder initially but easier once learned for knowing that I didn’t even have to try too hard only to tempt me to distract myself further if I don’t focus thoroughly. The advantages of not fully focusing could even be better explained whenever I actually fully focus on this issue in the future! In a later edit of this post I’m writing how the way there’s no limit to how helpful you can be there’s no limit to how evil you could be either. That way if I was justifying analytical skills from my failed leaving cert in terms of either capitalism or charity then I can’t actually be fully content if I don’t actually have to care too much about others just to offer them philosophical advice in a way that won’t fully make sense unless you fully embody others to fully justify whatever help was offered. It’s like learning French without really caring about France!
  • Pantheism
    An irony of the problem of evil was that pantheism is theoretically capable of being the most evil possible belief system for no other reason than the flip side of declaring yourself God is to declare yourself self-created independent of both materialism and religion. Yet the way pantheism redeems itself can be to exceed evil so to speak as the enemy of all evil countries in history failing to be evil enough to match total independence. If materialism abandons ship at your death and leaves you to oblivion then pantheism at least lets you live in your sitting room for a while at least post death! The way in which a claim to self-prophecy isn’t actually evil is simply because people are still free to be atheist rather than only out of an insubordination to other religions.

    Beauty and the Beast - Tale as Old as Time
  • Pantheism
    Even if Jesus isn’t still alive in heaven then His message of forgiveness might still ring true where the more people you forgive in an afterlife then logically the more people there’d be to sustain your afterlife! Perhaps one reason we’re yet incapable of reconciling science and religion is that we forget how tranquil a deciduous forest could be when there has been so much deforestation in temperate climates over the past centuries. In other words the Amazon rainforest or Siberia are simply too intense in comparison to the relaxing vibe of a deciduous forest. So the way the peacefulness of a supernatural religion could exist is on a par with the New World’s deciduous forests remaining intact after hundreds of years in a way that didn’t happen but is possible through afforestation!

    Pocahontas - Just Around the Riverbank (1995)
  • Pantheism
    One way for science to view a supernatural Christian religion might be to re-interpret the pleas of Jesus for forgiveness as also being retrospective for ancient religions rather than just for subsequent generations. After all Jesus was raised in His very early years in Ancient Egypt after His parents fled Palestine. So the way modern religions fail to build as many temples as Ancient Egypt might imply that many religions are actually incapable of forming a very powerful theocracy even if they wanted to in a way that limits how powerful their supernatural realm might be. One way Ancient Egypt might be redemptive is that if people were all evil then they might not actually mind re-incarnation because they’d be re-incarnating into other evil people who’d be just as hedonistic as their prior life. As such a fear of re-incarnation might be slightly exaggerated in ethical and amoral people because they’re not fully self-aware of how self-sacrificing and nice they are such that they might view re-incarnation into future ethical people as being accidentally slightly boring! Thankfully few modern religions took cryogenic mummification too seriously!

    The Mummy 1999 - Goodbye Beni (10/10)
  • Pantheism
    One version of a Christian afterlife would be if other dead souls were like a recorded telepathic message of their prior selves from a distinct afterlife were an afterlife very deterministic or solipsistic. After all the problem of other minds would still exist in an afterlife. One way to reconcile Hinduism with Christianity would be if you were reincarnated like the baby Jesus in the manger at Christmas! Perhaps an unusual way to deal with re-incarnation would be to look at infantile photos of yourself with a milk bottle and a pram to brace for being an infant in the next life!
  • Anti-Realism
    If the mind is 2-dimensional and the brain is 3-dimensional then one version of antirealism might be that the brain actually isn’t conscious where everything in your body and in your sensory perception take turns being conscious depending on what you focus on. For example if you close your eyelids you can choose not to focus on the darkness and opt to be less conscious of your eyes. I’ve often used the word kaleidoscopic as a synonym of rainbow or psychedelia or fractals but only recently on YouTube discovered how refracting more light into a mirrored colour pattern can create such beautiful geometrical art. So a kaleidoscope will bigger than it actually is if you look into it as if our eye ball could also appear bigger than it actually is to our brain. So if a kaleidoscope can appear astronomical then maybe our conscious impression of the night sky can also be a partially internal sensation! The iris around our eye’s pupil is like a diamond that reflects the image from the retina back onto the retina repeatedly!

    https://youtube.com/shorts/m4uDDNNxfNM?si=y_jC-UMew0J96Gjc New kaleidoscope - @paulandfriends7006
  • Anti-Realism
    A drum is one of the most basic musical instruments where the sound of the drum can almost be embodied as if our mind was gaseous and diffuse. In a water pool you could almost think of the colours at the bottom as the edge of the water rather than as the edge of the object as if colours elsewhere were air molecules bouncing off the surface of the object. If vision were 2D then it’d follow that hearing might be 2D too as if everything we heard were in our ears rather than in the atmosphere. The complexity of a drum beat can almost be a deterrent to understanding the mind of the drummer as if to deflect the mind-body problem. A drummer can be circular where other band members are re-interpreting the drum sound while the drummer is also re-interpreting the singers and guitarists.

    Michael Jackson’s Drummer Jonathan Moffett Performs “Smooth Criminal”
  • Pantheism
    One way to interpret a belief in an eternal afterlife is that people might underestimate how hard it is to live to 70 or 80 when many people in the ancient world failed to live past 40 or 50. As such a belief in an eternal life might be a form of humility to live to an older age when Europeans or Americans might underestimate how fierce Japanese people might be to live until their 90. Some young people might be flawed in taking a huge lifespan for granted.
  • Pantheism
    The problem of evil exists in all systems including an afterlife. So one way an afterlife belief could backfire is if people no longer cared about anyone being murdered because the victims were claimed to have received an afterlife as compensation. Yet an afterlife isn’t just competing against science and materialism but also the mathematics of probability. So even if people couldn’t disprove an afterlife such an afterlife could still be rendered absurd if the odds of achieving an afterlife were little more than a lottery. For example if Islam took seriously the claim of being rewarded with 72 virgins in an afterlife then they could assess that afterlife materialistically only to find that Arabia simply isn’t sufficiently overpopulated to satisfy that particular afterlife. After all certain evangelical Christian groups in America have polygamy only to find that if one man has dozens of wives then dozens of men will have no wife. So if religious people felt a short afterlife had a 2/3 chance of success while a medium length afterlife had a 51% chance of success than anything longer would have decreasing odds of success. As such if people stopped caring much about their religious faith system then a last resort might be to equate an afterlife with a collective near-death experience as if mental time froze just before their death and ultimate reincarnation. In that case a near-death experience might still partially comply with materialism if victims simply tried to remember their relatives until the memory reified as a projection before death.

    Strip poker where bluffing would be harder for less charitable people in an afterlife!
    Uniting Nations - Out of Touch
  • Pantheism
    A biocentric and deistic account for Abrahamic beliefs in genesis might be how the observer effect means that time elapsed so quickly for God before Earth’s creation along with how short-lasting animal life is that it might have felt like the universe took a few days to create were there a deistic God!
  • Anti-Realism
    One way neurons in the brain could be viewed as optical fibres is if each sense from smell to hearing to touch to taste is somehow reducible to light. One way to think of a dream is if our sense of smell is reduced to differentiate the dream from reality. When I thought of this earlier on today I’d a sudden retrieval of repressed visual memories from Croatia and Portugal over two years ago where the different climates had an alternate humidity and scent.
  • Pantheism
    Pantheism might sound megalomaniacal until you realise that no amount of spiritual pride or violent lucid dreams or sensory solipsism would match the physical strength of top black athletes nor the amount of charity among the poorest people!
  • Pantheism
    An immoral version of forgiveness is that no amount of vengeance, torture or murder is sufficient were the aim to dehumanise the original perpetrators such that only forgiveness would suffice! So who knows if Ancient Rome’s conversion to Christianity also had a Machiavellian element!
  • Pantheism
    Nirvana as a peaceful afterlife might be more convincing to scientists than a heaven of bliss because were a shared afterlife only dependent on other souls and not on God than any bliss would be from the charity of others rather than from an omnipotent God. So from a more impartial standpoint maybe a Christian heaven would have an altering amount of happiness rather than a steady amount of happiness. Perhaps a problem in Christianity is to reconcile themselves to a relaxing heaven rather than just a happy heaven! For example believing in a very happy afterlife might lead to a volatile mindset of giving up the afterlife altogether whereas believing in a happy afterlife might help avoid a crisis of faith.
  • Pantheism
    Pantheism might not ever be a large religion but by the limits of its own belief system of a shared unconscious might relate to the most extremely spiritual people almost as an exclusive group. Even if there’d be very few pantheists it’s possible that there might be very high-status people who are at least tolerant of pantheism given the self-sufficiency of the faith! So an ethical version of pantheism would have to limit how splendid an evil version of pantheism where all pantheists might struggle with humility.
  • Pantheism
    If a supernatural afterlife was indirectly connected to a materialistic system then one inference would be that any lay person who promoted an afterlife would be inherently nicer than others who didn’t offer anyone else an afterlife. Yet the catch is that they couldn’t downplay how nice they are to offer an afterlife if God wasn’t directly connected to the material world. In other words the lay people would themselves be representatives of a tentative afterlife to atheists. So how nice people are can be subjective when religious people try to be humble but therein lies the mystery as to whether they’re downplaying how nice they are to offer an afterlife in the context of being grateful to everyone else in their belief system also an afterlife! This line of reasoning would be useful to counteract racists that some religious people had at least tried to offer an afterlife even if they were abandoned by others in their faith.
  • Pantheism
    One way Catholicism as a supernatural belief system verges on a materialistic system is through a negative that elderly Catholics aren’t evil. Perhaps Catholicism could make more sense if young adults weren’t actually needed seeing as the religion isn’t a military. A dilemma with viewing a religion militantly is that warfare mightn’t be very ethical to begin with. For example elderly people can be so serious that evil elderly people could outcompete younger people if the country converted to evil which would make it harder for the country to convert back to ethics.
  • Pantheism
    If Jesus wasn’t a physical God then it could still have been ethical for Jesus to declare himself God because amoral people in Ancient Rome weren’t owed politeness. So from my viewpoint it’s still acceptable to view Jesus as a cultural God even if He didn’t create the world! A Christian version of science might be that Jesus was in fact God in ancient history but that he’s no longer God and is now more of a prophet of God.

    Young Jesus Heals Mentally Sick Man - The Young Messiah scene
  • Pantheism
    An evolutionary argument for the existence of Christianity might fail when Ancient Rome would have appeared to have been the victim of evil by converting to Christianity in elevating the crucifixion of Jesus above all other Roman soldiers who died in battle!
  • Anti-Realism
    One way an uncanny valley effect might occur might be in how large groups of strangers can interpret modern architecture in unusual ways. So the transparency of glass in a huge glass shopping centre might appear materialistic to some people and invisible to other people. So even if people identify as materialists they might differ in how they perceive materialism. The way others try to be materialistic might mislead others into thinking they’re immaterial to have somehow exceeded their own perception of materialism. For example materialism and science are connected but not the same where someone could identify as a materialist without knowing much science only to become more materialistic than a scientist when science can be open-ended. Similarly people have different physiques where focusing a lot on your walking stride might make you think others who walk faster than you are hyperfocused only that their postures might in fact be unconscious.
  • Anti-Realism
    Classical instruments used to remix pop songs could expose just how good the pop song was in a way that reveals that both the original singer and the listeners might never have been as grateful as they should have. In other words even if we love a pop song we might not love it sufficiently relative to a classical version of the beat. So we might accidentally downplay the ethnicity of the singer in concocting a much more extreme beat that wouldn’t be possible in another country. So the harpsichord can reveal just how trance like a pop keyboard could actually be. Did Eminem think of the lyrics first and then created a magical beat afterwards or are we deceived by how good the musical beat is where Eminem created the beat before the lyrics and was merely more emphatic than others in describing an absurd beat? This is potentially music anti-realism at play! Is the original pop song an accidental form of redemption for America’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq by insisting on a hypermasculine vibe? Or perhaps is the classical remix merely a disproof of non-musicians thinking they could ever be as good as a musician where the subjectivity of rap could make us overconfident in thinking we could create the beat ourselves?

    Eminem: The Real Slim Shady on harpsichord (acoustic) # shorts
  • Pantheism
    “An average person from Laos is 155.89cm (5 feet 1.37 inches) tall.”

    I’d a dream last night in which I was walking around a DIY shop only to find a small male adult lecture me on angels not existing and that the west of Ireland is a victim of the queen. It’s possible that religion and science are capable of being reconciled through athleticism in a way that isn’t fully reductionistic. So smaller adults are capable of being far more reflective of the humility offered by a supernatural religion only if they were committed to the religion. For example the way certain Catholic Mediterranean countries tend to be slightly shorter in height than Ireland and how communist Laos is very short might relate to the cultures in those countries being more ethnically cohesive than Ireland. Yet height is a bit beyond conscious control and can be genetic.
  • Anti-Realism
    If your mental vision doesn’t fully reflect the physical world then rotating your head would produce a slightly different angle then what would be implied by your own vision.
  • Pantheism
    A problem with hell is that no matter how hard you prayer it might fail to outmatch the permanent focus of a solipsistic mind and the blankness of an unconscious mind such that it'd be difficult to pray for someone to be sent to hell.
  • Pantheism
    Heterosexual genetics might be one way a religion works where women who are born with humble or outgoing personalities or assume them in later life could end up serving as a background that over centuries and many generations would reinforce virtues of a faith system like forgiveness! After all men would have to partially mimic the value system of women in order to attract them!

    Mikaela Lafuente in SLOW MOTION 4k | NY SWIM WEEK 2023
  • Anti-Realism
    Even if we solve the mystery of the mind-body problem we might still be left with an even bigger mystery as to why so few people had even cared about the mind-body problem! Perhaps no matter how much we analyse a physical phenomenon anything amoral by being more expansive might still physically trump ethics such that an interpretation of the mind can be spiritual rather than just physical in order to satisfy ethics. Unfortunately any theory of quantum gravity would be backed by the evil of nuclear weaponry such that it might not be too objective for a social group! So a non-real interpretation of gravity such as my Euler theory could satisfy an ethnic perception of gravity to add symbolic cohesion in a gravitational cult group even if it won’t be quite as sexy as other quantum gravity theories(!):

    Fotini Markopoulou - Why is Quantum Gravity So Significant? (Closer to Truth)
  • Anti-Realism
    In the same way that we don't feel our brain we also don't feel our skeleton where we can only feel our skeleton indirectly through our posture. Yet we know our heart beats so fast that it'd be almost impossible to directly perceive our heart without concluding the heart doesn't physically exist. Anyway dualism isn't just about mind and brain but also how our tactile muscles differ from our near-dead bones! As such the way brain regions connect with one another for conscious thought might mimic how rhythmic our muscles are when we walk with a distinct posture. Some people might think that we can feel our bones by pressurising one finger against another finger but a dualist might think that the tactile sensation might really be our squished skin rather than the bones of our finger! Postures are often emphasised on the catwalk(!):

    MODEL - KATHRYN CELESTRE - MIAMI SWIM WEEK - Blacktape Project 2022
  • Anti-Realism
    If I fail to find posthumous fame for my theories of non-reality then I might perhaps still get recognition for being a good psychologist of philosophers and scientist in what would be a very meta title for trying to understand the mindsets of other philosophers and scientists seeking fame! Perhaps for an apparent crackpot like myself to appear persuasive then I'd have to be more grateful for other supposed crackpots! I was never too interested in the microtubule theory of consciousness for having ignored the notion of temporal relations but the theory might be wonderful to me for the inverted reason for having limited other overly reductionistic theories of the mind! Too many neuroscientists are obsessed about patterns of neurons without realising that there wasn't a hidden neuron that they forgot about to give rise to consciousness. As such the microtubule theory forced the issue by implying that other nervous patterns in the brain that would hypothetically give rise to consciousness might really just be an understated version of an intra-cellular neuronal theory of the mind as we see in microtubules.

    Stuart Hammerof - Quantum Physics of Consciousness

    Science in medieval history arose to oppose evil versions of religions like witchcraft and monarchy rather than to oppose religion itself or to directly assert what reality is. If we were trying to be as upbeat about materialism as religious people are about God then materialists might have to convey how tranquil it is to have a skull and a skeleton!

    Fall Out Boy - Thnks fr th Mmrs

    If I'm ever redemptive to scientists it might be because I forced the issue by claiming that anti-realism is compatible with the physical world temporarily existing during waking life and disappearing during dreams. Even though many materialists might disagree with me on symbolic grounds when the mind is a mystery they might ironically fail to disagree with me thoroughly enough when an absolute materialist could only fathom the material world as permanently existing throughout their life. Perhaps this is one reason why western materialists might fail to match the seriousness of Asian materialists who might have been materialists for millennia!

    Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (8/12) Movie CLIP - The Bride vs. Gogo (2003)
  • Pantheism
    No matter how possessive a pantheist could be of others a pantheist still won’t parrot another person’s words and behaviour in a conversation!
  • Anti-Realism
    If pure dualism were correct then each of our brains could all in fact have almost the exact same structure and wiring seeing as any differences in mind would be caused by a fundamental mind rather than by brain differences.

Michael McMahon

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