• Advice on discussing philosophy with others?

    Thanks, I'm enjoying it a lot.

    What do you understand under the term Transcendentalist "genius?"
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?

    What in particular do you find unassailable in introspection? In what ways do you think introspection fails when an individual attempts it?
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?

    You chose a great quote. Emerson is fantastic. At least to me, I think he signifies the importance of one's own authenticity in thinking and at least for me this is a huge part of why I enjoy philosophy and like learning about it. Because of this I really want to take responsibility for my own thinking and be more comfortable with sharing what I think. Thanks you!
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?

    That's a good question, thanks. I feel like it's the former; I think it has a lot to do with lack of confidence in philosophy and because of it that I feel that I "put off" and discussion. When talking about a specific text, I just naturally assume my interpretation is missing something and I adopt the interpretation of other people instead. I think it coincides with feeling like I don't have a "philosophical voice."
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?
    You're right. We do agree!

    I'm curious about the introspection part. How do you critically evaluate your own thoughts? (This goes to everyone on the thread) It seems like a rather abstract thing to describe since everyone will favor different approaches, but I'm very interested in how other people ask "good" questions.
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?

    Thanks for your post. My aim is to learn from a discussion. I would like to be able to walk away with a slightly better understanding of the subject we discussed. S1,S2, and S3 are great. I'll keep them in mind. You make a great point about talking with strangers. I forgot that not everyone wants to talk about philosophy all the time. makes a similar point. In the sense, that it's important to actively choose the right people to talk to, to get the most out of a discussion.

    Good thing I stay away from social media hahaha
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?
    I realize now that I can also reply to many people in a single comment. Sorry for the spam.

    It's a good idea. I guess I'm still looking for something to say in that regard. I mostly read philosophy but I haven't made too much of an effort when it comes to DOING it, I guess? I do want to make a post at some point. Just as a challenge for myself.

    What do you think is a good question? I really liked what you said. When you're reading or engaging with someone else, what do you find to be a good question?

    I do agree to an extent because I value introspection a lot. In my case, I think it's also important to be able to formulate an idea and also be challenged on it. I really value philosophy as a means of introspection and a way to practice it, but I also get the impression that there is a lot to learn from others through discussion.

    Again, thank you all for your posts. Very, very insightful.
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?
    I'm surprised you recognized me haha! Thanks for the encouragement. Stay away from politics threads. Noted. I appreciate that others take the time for the curious.
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?
    Great idea! I'll be honest, even though it's online, the discussions here do intimidate me sometimes. Hahahah. But I'll try and get into the habit of asking questions. Thanks!
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?
    I'm mostly discussing with other students in a university but I'm also including informal discussion with strangers.
  • Advice on discussing philosophy with others?
    Thank you for your reply and the helpful advice. What you said about being transparent in your post really resonated with me! Thanks!
  • Is death bad for the person that dies?
    I agree with you on the fact that death can be harmful to us without our direct experience of it. Something can still be harmful to us despite our lack of knowledge of it, like a cancer that hasn't been spotted yet. This also opens up the possibility of us being harmed after our death. The various projects we have in our lives can be transcendental. If the well-being of my son is something that's important to me, wouldn't any harm coming to him be harmful to me in a way? Death would also get in the way of us completing our projects, which is why a life cut short is seen as bad.
  • Currently Reading
    Thank you :), Javi!
  • Currently Reading
    Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, by Arthur Schopenhauer, and the Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant. At the moment, I'm trying to get an overview of Kant to better understand Schopenhauer. His 200 page critique of Kantian philosophy I find pretty heavy man. (Also, how do I enter italics on the mobile version of the forum?)