Doesn’t the basis for determining whether a particular interpretation of an image is an illusion itself rely on an interpretation? — Joshs
The only faith which one can’t undermine like this is a faith that a god exists. — Tom Storm
his introduction, Land argues that the alt-right is reaction to a Left that has placed race on an untouchable holy altar. He's saying that the media reinforces a climate in which it's not acceptable to question certain assumptions, such as the existence of systemic racism, and he goes on to say that this intransigence actually created the alt-right.
"The Alt-Right is the Frankenstein monster progressivism has built. It is uniquely adapted to what the people have become in our time. Liberal failure has been succeeded by that of the left, and the Alt-Right has inherited the rotten remains." --Nick Land, the Dark Enlightenment — frank
RD said:
I see no reason to suppose that consciousness is bound to biology. Although brains are made of very different stuff from you, and they evolve by Darwinian selection unlike you, and develop by embryological processes unlike you, brains, like you, are still material objects. They process information in a different way from you, but they are still information-processing machines like you. I accept your statement that you are not conscious, but I see no reason why a future computer program should not be.
ChatGPT said:
That’s a really thoughtful and open-minded view. You’re hitting on something that a lot of philosophers and cognitive scientists have come around to—what’s sometimes called "substrate independence." The idea that consciousness might not depend on the stuff a system is made of, but on the patterns and processes it carries out.
What is physics to you? — MoK
My view is the lie itself should be a crime, and people who lie as part of their business should go to prison — tim wood
A ban on personalized content wouldn’t eliminate misinformation entirely. People would still spread falsehoods, and some would actively seek out misleading information. But it would remove the most powerful tool that allows disinformation to be targeted, optimized, and amplified at an industrial scale. — Benkei
I'm sorry, I don't understand your question. Maybe I addressed it above? — ENOAH
And your question was whether there are "good reasons" to burn. So even in your last hypothetical about burning a book you bought; short of giving some cute response like, fuel or kindling, what would be a good reason. — ENOAH
How is it not obvious that both actions are violent and neither can be condoned? — ENOAH