Should humanity be unified under a single government? The time will come when mankind will welcome and thrive under a single world government but it is not now. We are, as yet, too immature, too spiritually immature, for such a thing to work.
Human beings are self centered. We want things. Sometimes we take what we can get in legal ways. We like to tell others what to think, what to say and how to say it. In religion we very often make attempts to shove our beliefs down the throats of others who may not be interested. We demand things.
Well... the above is pretty harsh. When we are in good moods and feeling gregarious, we will be giving and thoughtful but this never lasts. Personal gain sooner or later will enter the picture. Life on this little planet is a struggle. Everything is money, money, money. To secure our futures we need power. OK maybe not personal power but group power. Nationalism will usually provide security for citizens but at what cost?
When the day comes when human beings no longer care about besting anyone else then we might be ready for a single government. in the meanwhile no single authority can answer the needs of all the different schools of thought that exist. We would have to make too many sacrifices, changes.
I'm not ready to "own nothing and be happy". And why not? Because the flavor of living, being alive, would be turned into a stagnant pile of refuse. Life would have lost it's appeal. No challenges, no purposeful direction to aim at.
A single government now, no matter how benign, would rely on a powerful controlling force which would enforce happiness while owning nothing. And this "force" can't exist in a vacuum. A single government now would mean the whole planet being ruled by a small group of men who live apart from the rest of us, protected by geographical isolation. They would have, at their call, a force of police whose duties included running enforcement centers to make sure everyone was happy owning nothing and re-education camps for those who weren't.
And guess who will be the big boys? Just take a look at the self appointed god like men who meet each year in Davos. Yep. A single world government right now would be possible only if it were forced upon the people. And guess who is going to do the forcing? Schwab and company, that 's who.
No thanks... I'll wait until humanity cleans up it's act. Then... a single world government will happen naturally, all by itself. No powerful elites sitting in judgment over the rest of us. None of that.
But event hat existence would be a waste of energy. How are we to advance spiritually if we have no challenges to overcome by beating adversity?
Living on Earth s not easy. There are other planets where human beings don't have it so rough. The benefit here though is that we grow spiritually much faster.
How about we just leave it alone?