• God & Existence
    What exists is defined as that which may be known by the mind or otherwise, it does not exist. By convention, things can exist within the confines of the mind as fallacy or reality. The mind is known as the consciousness in individuality, which is born of awareness. In other words, the origin of individuality is the same as the origin of the mind. Also, the mind is the precursor to every state that evokes duality or multiple circumstances. In other words, the mind is the principal source of all perceptions, conceptions, illusions, imaginings, etc. This means that all phenomena are dependent and it does not exist in an intrinsic way like this or that on their own sides, unrelated to the consciousness that perceives them.
  • Who are we?
    For the Master, I am a Servant,
    For the Teacher, I am a Student.

    Frankly, the I, you, or we are closely associated with the process of becoming in the domains of existence. The mind and body would evolve depending on the conditional phenomena; just as ice, water, and steam appear ephemeral in relation to the orientation of H2O properties. Eventually, the phenomenon exists as this or that depends on the observers. It’s like describing the same elephant by different blind people, namely a blind person can tell that an elephant looks like a tree trunk; another blind man would describe an elephant as a snake.

    Hence, a simple and straightforward answer would be: “I am what I am”. The applicable principle: “If you think this is who I am, then I am”, and “If you know this is what I am, then I am”. At the end of the day, the phenomena that happen are very much linked to the consciousness that perceives them. This is what the conventional reality is all about, i.e. the final conclusion is subjective-cum-relative and varies from one observer to another. Likewise, in respective circumstances, you can be named as a son, a father, a preacher, a student, a Caucasian, an American, a skinny man, an old man, a stranger, and so on. Just like a proverb, “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    The big picture is that the universe has no beginning and no end. In the material universe, there are many existences that are indistinguishable from our bare eyes. But we know one thing that is constant is this process of becoming. It is the underlying element of all the things or events that we could observe here and now. With the process to become, there would be a process in evolution, namely there would be some circumstance that would form some kind of capability known as energy. This is something that has always been there and has been consistent with the Energy Conservation Law.

    Eventually, the first existence from the dawn of time would be the first cause in dependent nature, and that is the universe itself. This means the universe corresponds with the inherent existence because of its unchanging nature. At the same time, perceptible truth would arise in the context of absolute truth, without exception. For example, it is impossible to measure the process of becoming unless one manipulates it in an observer mode, namely to grasp things with labels such as last Monday, next Tuesday, 3.25 pm, Friday 13th, 2020, etc. And the process of becoming observed varies with different observers under fluctuating vibrational frequencies, for instance, different planes of existence.

    In the end, the absolute truth would be called the flux of spacetime a.k.a. the process of becoming. However, it is inappropriate to label the process of becoming either like this or like that because it has no beginning and no end in nature. In other words, anything that exists intrinsically will not involve change and the created objects cannot exist intrinsically because it implies change. Therefore, any activity resulting from variation cannot exist inherently, as there will be processes that will change over and over again. This means that there is an infinitely evolving multiverse within the sphere of existence a.k.a. the Universe.
  • Why does time move forward?
    Everything exists at the same time under the present-dynamism only. The projectile time movement discerned by our mental consciousness is purely due to relativity, owing to the varying vibrational frequencies. Consequently, we often instill the habit of building narratives from a series of linear events; thus, the creation of time-shifting delusions. Fundamentally, conventional time is subjective-cum-relative, in the sense that it depends on the mind of the observer to feed the valuation on the other side of the object or matter. In the end, all the episode varies according to the various observers or minds.

    For reference, frequency could be related to space and the process of becoming over time. Time is an indicator of the process of becoming and space is only an expression of the energy at work in terms of frequency. In the end, there is no temporal movement, but a regeneration of events in the present-dynamism. This means, in a twinkling of an eye, that all events or phenomena would fluctuate and be renewed infinitely. Just like the gravitational effects on earth for all different masses are the same (acceleration value, g = 9.80 m/s2) even though the rock strikes the ground before the feather per se. The applicable principle: -

    Present-dynamism => Frequency x Becoming (Space x Time)