• Janus
    Thanks Cavacava. It is oil on canvas 1500mm x 900mm.
  • bert1
    I like the way the tree on the right shares its lines with the rock below.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    John your painting invokes a lot of feelings in me which is awesome! I am very curious about the name of it 'Inception'! What does that title mean to you?
  • _db
    I call it, Man and Dog. One of my finest pieces.

    Man and Dog
  • Baden
    - You can upload it on a third party site for free and link if you like.
  • _db
    Done. Thanks.
  • Janus

    Thanks bert, that's a nice observation; that had not been thematically figural for me before.

    I'm very happy to hear that Tiff, thanks. I am kind of reluctant to try to explain the title; it would be like trying to explain the punchline of a joke. Perhaps the best way to approach its meaning is via allusive references.

    For me hit on something with the "orgasm" and "symbolic" references. Other associations are 'conception', 'insemination', 'dissemination', 'seminal', 'semiosis', "flesh of the world" (Merleau-Ponty), the body as landscape. I am fascinated by the idea of the generation of meaning (form) in the sensory/sensual/conceptual relationships living, feeling, thinking bodies have to one another and to the animate earth, and the general relationships between affective processes (sensory and proprioceptive) and rational processes.
  • Janus

    Cavacava, I have been attending a course called Philosophy and Poetry at Sydney University, and by amazing coincidence these very lines from Ezra Pound were presented the other night as an example of the differences between, and transition from, Romantic to Modernist imagery.

    I think painting images from poems is an excellent idea, and I very much like your paintings; you have a great sense of colour, and for me your images are very fresh, almost 'naif' (in a good way). I also had a look at your other works on Tumblr; very nice! I am also thinking of posting my work somewhere on line. Would you say Tumblr is the best choice?
  • Cavacava
    Hi John,

    I post on Tumblr because I find it is a convenient way to keep a virtual file of my work. Once it is on there it is easy to copy and paste to emails, forums and other places on line. I have never spent much time browsing around it, it is an enormous compendium of work by all kinds of people.

    If you like poetry, music lyrics, rap try http://genius.com/ It is very interesting site, with individual interpretations of all types of works.
  • Janus

    Thanks Cavacava, I'll check it out...
  • Cavacava

    Harry's Bar, it been around for a a long time. Cheap beer and easy company (during the early evening) more biker bar latter on in the evening. Cheers!
  • Cavacava

    Here is what Harry's looks like from camera perspective.
  • Cavacava

    Warmest wishes for very happy holidays to all :)
  • Cavacava

    Latest effort...Interruption.
    Wash & dry a (144K)
  • shmik
    Needed some pics for my tinder profile:

  • Cavacava

    Based on the 7 Mile Bridge on Florida Keys, my latest.
  • BC
    Latest effort...Interruption.Cavacava

    Laundromats are splendid topics of street/room scapes. They combine clean white cubes, (usually, clean, white...) dilapidated ceilings, little furniture -- and what there is often mismatched, dirty floors...

    And they are classic urban spaces, bringing together odd combos of people to all wash clothes, and yet not mixing with each other--usually. They should mix, because it is a time limited space; discussions can't get too deep for too long, because someone will suddenly be finished. One could perhaps confess one's sins to one's neighbors.

    A number of artists have put incongruously naked people in laundromats. Sitting on the floor in front of a machine, sitting on a machine. I've never seen anyone naked in a laundromat, sadly. But where are naked people not incongruous Not the bank, not McDonalds, not the bus, not the grocery store, not the bar (well, usually not), not church, not in class, hardly anywhere.

    Did you see the film, My Beautiful Launderette? Wonderful movie.

    In a seedy corner of London, Omar (Gordon Warnecke), a young Pakistani, is given a run-down laundromat by his uncle (Saeed Jaffrey), who hopes to turn it into a successful business. Soon after, Omar is attacked by a group of racist punks, but defuses the situation when he realizes their leader is his former lover, Johnny (Daniel Day-Lewis). The men resume their relationship and rehabilitate the laundromat together, but various social forces threaten to compromise their success.
  • BC
    Did the 7 mile bridge start out as a railroad bridge to the keys? Seems to me it did. Nice painting.
  • Cavacava

    Yes, I saw the 'My Beautiful Launderette' I don't remember the details very well, but I do recall that I liked it. Daniel Day Lewis was great as a punker. I remember the way they redesigned the run-down laundry, it was fantastic almost surreal update, the christening party was a quite a scene, if I recall correctly. Took place during Margaret Thatcher's time in office, it must have knocked her socks off!

    The 7 Mile Bridge does have an abandoned bridge that is no longer has car traffic, but you will see scores of people fishing off it all the time. And, yes there are old train trestles still jutting out into the ocean in areas as you drive along the keys. The train track was destroyed by the 'hurricane of the century' in 1935, 400 people died in the storm. The company didn't have the funds to rebuild so there it still stands, I think it is on the list of historical places.

    Thanks re the painting.
  • bert1
    I really like the 7 mile bridge one. Cavacava does some really nice impressionist stuff.
  • Hanover
    Instead of simply taking a photo and posting it on TPF, maybe you should have made some effort to free that caged child.
  • Baden
    I did, but you were driving too quick.
  • Irina

    Hi, could you help me, pls? How do I attach an image here (I took a few photos).
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    How do I attach an image here (I took a few photos).Irina

    Hiya Irina! Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    If you follow this link and click on the 'Upload' tab, upload the photo and then select and copy the 'Link'. Come back to TPF and select the tab 'Insert Image' and populate the 'Link' field with the paste function.
  • Baden
    You can also just drag and drop into the text box.
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